Record properties

Each record type is describing the data scheme for each record of corresponding type. Each record has text multilingual field Name by default. But you also can add any number of extra fields (properties) for storing data.

Tabbli supports the next list of record property types:

  • String. Single text line. Can support multilingual data optionally.

  • Email. Text field for saving email. Adding additional validation for corresponding record form field.

  • Multiline text. Using for saving multiline text data. Can support multilingual data optionally.

  • Integer. Using for saving numerical data.

  • True/False. Using for saving boolean data.

  • Float. You can use it for saving real numbers.

  • Choice. Using for saving discrete values from a list of options. You also can set different color for each option for better visual understanding.

  • Multiple choice. Works like choice but with ability of choosing multiple options.

  • File. Using for saving a file.

  • WYSIWYG. Using for saving multiline text data with HTML markup. It represents like WYSIWYG editor in a record form and like rendered result in other interfaces.

  • Code. Multiline text field with useful online text editor in a record form.

  • Date. Using for saving dates.

  • One to many relation. Using for saving one to many relation with another collection.

  • Many to many relation. The same but with many to many relation.

  • Location. Geographical location.

  • User relation. Using for linking a record with one of the available users.

  • Multiple users relation. The same but with support for multiple users selection.

Computed properties

You can use computed properties if you need to autopopulate any of them with formula or template. Use the "Computation options" for setup the template. You can see some examples of the computation templates.

Example 1

{{ first_infraction + second_infraction + final_infraction }}

Example 2

{% set orders = DB().get_collection('orders').get_queryset().filter(properties__cranes__contains=key) %}{% for x in orders %}{{ }}{% if not loop.last %}, {% endif %}{% endfor %}

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